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How To Play Sand Traps
By Lee MacRae
Getting out of a bunker or sand trap in one shot can do wonders for your confidence and your golf game. Follow along as we lay out some tips, tricks and hints to help you with your sand play and watch the improvement in your next round of golf.
Keep in mind that the average sand wedge is designed to hit a ball 40 feet at most. If you have a sand shot that is farther than that, then you will be better off using a pitching wedge to get on the green. A pitching wedge is designed differently, it doesn't have the curve [the bounce] on the bottom of the head. This allows the ball to travel the 10 or 20 extra feet you need on the shot. Just remember to use the right tool for the particular job at hand.
Landing in someone else's footprint in a bunker can be very frustrating. Especially if they are rakes stationed around the sand! But getting worked up about someone else's misdeeds won't help you escape. The trick here is to treat your ball as though it were in a buried lie. Pick up the club sharply and hit sharply down behind the ball to avoid the surrounding barrier of sand. You may also want to adjust your angle of attack depending on how the footprint lies. The only difference between the footprint shot and a buried lie shot is that you use a sand wedge and not a pitching wedge. You want to dig through the sides of the footprint [hence the angle of attack] but beyond that it's a normal sand shot.
In a sand shot the most important part of the body is the left arm. Think of your left arm as holding a tennis racket hitting a backhand shot [a good image for most shots, but especially so for sand shots]. The left arm initiates tke takeaway and controls the downswing and follow through. It also helps you firm your left side. If you focus too much on your right arm, your left side is likely to collapse, your wrists may break, and you could very easily end up skulling the ball out of the bunker and into further trouble across the green.
Knowing the basic techniques of bunker sand play will alleviate fears. Remaining calm and keeping some simple techniques in mind will turn your sand play in to childs play. Now head off to play golf.
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great golf swing aid or a great hybrid club today!
Some Quick Golf Information
Golf Putting Aids
The clubhead should be descending at impact with the exception of the Driver and the Putter. What is meant by descending angle of approach?
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To keep the clubface in the correct position throughout the swing, the left wrist must move in a flat position. What I mean by flat is in relation to the back of the left forearm, and the back of the left hand for right-handed players with the opposite for the left-handed players. To deviate from this position will roll the clubface out of position.
To find out more just go to golf trainings aids
Golf Club
When you want to get some extra distance out of your drives, it�s natural to think that your right or dominant hand (for right-handed golfers) should supply the power. In reality, however, maximum power is a result of a left-hand lead.
To learn more go to golf trainings aids
To achieve the goal of hitting the ball at the bottom of the swing arc. Your drives should be hit slightly on the upswing, iron shots are struck slightly on the downswing. Fairway woods are hit at the bottom of the swing arc.
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