Monday, February 11, 2008

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Featured Golf Article

Bunkers And Sand Traps - How To Play Them

By Lee MacRae

A bunker beside the green is a fearsome place to be. Surprisingly, this is one of the easiest shots to perfect and can actually be an enjoyable part of your golf game. Just learn the proper techniques and apply a few tips and your bunker game will flourish.

Landing in someone else's footprint in a bunker can be very frustrating. Especially if they are rakes stationed around the sand! But getting worked up about someone else's misdeeds won't help you escape. The trick here is to treat your ball as though it were in a buried lie. Pick up the club sharply and hit sharply down behind the ball to avoid the surrounding barrier of sand. You may also want to adjust your angle of attack depending on how the footprint lies. The only difference between the footprint shot and a buried lie shot is that you use a sand wedge and not a pitching wedge. You want to dig through the sides of the footprint [hence the angle of attack] but beyond that it's a normal sand shot.

In general, a sand shot should be hit with a sand wedge, with both the stance and the clubface opened wide. The idea is to hit the sand and let it carry the ball out of the bunker. You should aim to make contact with the sand about two inches behind the ball and hit under and through. An important point here; with few exceptions, you should make a full fall through.

Excessive wrist action can wreck a golf shot. It usually leads to topping or blading, which in a greenside bunker can be especially ruinous. There is usually not much golf course around greens, and a ball blade is out of a bunker could end up in a water hazard, out of bounds, or in some other unplayable lie. It is a good idea, therefore to hit all sand shots with stiff wrists, even those that require you to cock your wrists early on the backswing. Remember; no wrists, no risk.

Once you have a feel for the basics of playing from sand, you can easily understand some of the finer points of bunker play, and you will find it easy to adapt your technique to different types of sand challenges and lies. Make your golf game more enjoyable with good sand play.

About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great golf training aid or a great golf iron today!

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Price is another factor to pay attention to. High prices do not always equate to a higher quality golfing product. When you pay more money, this doesn't mean your handicap will magically decrease. Spend more time choosing the correct product and less money trying to purchase skill. There are also plenty of golfing fads on the market. Don't become a victim to flashy packaging or alluring imagery. Aim for getting the best product for the most reasonable price.
To learn more go to golf.

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Even if you are a pro or a novice first hitting the greens, there are many different aspects to consider when it comes to purchasing products for your golfing experience. Sometimes, even the most advanced golfer has to keep abreast on how to wisely choose their golf products. You always want to pick out the most effective items for the amount of money you wish to pay. There are numerous pitfalls that a consumer must sift through when purchasing products. The market is filled with misleading advertisements, poor marketing ploys, as well as get rich quick schemes, if a product sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
To learn more go to golf training aids.
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