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Bunkers And Sand Traps - How To Play Them
By Lee MacRae
Getting a good golf shot out of bunker or a sand trap can go along way to salvaging a golf hole. Here are a few tips that you can use to make your golf game better.
In a sand shot the most important part of the body is the left arm. Think of your left arm as holding a tennis racket hitting a backhand shot [a good image for most shots, but especially so for sand shots]. The left arm initiates tke takeaway and controls the downswing and follow through. It also helps you firm your left side. If you focus too much on your right arm, your left side is likely to collapse, your wrists may break, and you could very easily end up skulling the ball out of the bunker and into further trouble across the green.
Trying to a hit tee from under your ball is a good drill for getting your drives in the air. It's also a good drill for sand play. Here's how it's done: Tee up your ball in a bunker, and tee it up high. It is the tee from under the ball. Now tee it so that the tee is just barely showing. Hit it out again. Now position the ball so that no part of the tee is visible, the bottom of the ball is flush with the sand. Practice until you can consistently hit the tee out of the sand, then play the same shot while pretending that the tee is still under the sand. The lesson here is that the golfer hits the sand and the sand lifts the ball out of the bunker. So at no point did you think of hitting the ball itself.
Many golfers are afraid they will take to much sand and not get the ball out of the bunker. You know you have to hit the sand about two inches behind your ball. So, look for anything as a target - a crease in the sand, a small lump, a dark grain of sand, a small pebble - anything to aim for. Concentrate on THAT spot. Forget all about the ball. Just concentrate on hitting your spot in the sand with the right amount of club and swing. The sand will pop the ball out of the bunker.
Once you have a feel for the basics of playing from sand, you can easily understand some of the finer points of bunker play, and you will find it easy to adapt your technique to different types of sand challenges and lies. Make your golf game more enjoyable with good sand play.
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great golf swing aid or a great golf wedge today!
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The Grain affects the roll! Grain is mostly seen on the fringe of the green. Putts with grain roll faster and farther, against the grain slower and not so far. Check from both sides of your ball as well as behind the ball when lining up. The appearance of the grass shows the grain. If it looks shiny the grain is away from you. If dull, the grain is towards you.
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I have a drill that may work for you when practicing your putting stroke called the Tap stroke. To learn this stroke pretend there is a tack stuck in the back of the ball and when you make your stroke have the putter head drive the tack further into the ball. This will encourage you to hit the ball with more authority which with this shorter stroke there will be less chance of the putter blade getting out of what is called square position. So start getting "Tacky" on the greens!
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Womens Golf Clubs
Mathematically a longer arc should create more clubhead speed. Not so,unless done correctly. Overswinging will definitely throw the clubhead in a very poor planeswing. How far should you take the club back? Only as far as you can turn your shoulders-with balance. If the club goes back farther than the shoulders,the left wrist will break down. This will not only open or close the clubface but will take the pulling action away from the legs,thus allowing the shoulders or hands,or both to take over and dominate the forward swing. This type of motion puts the club in an outside-in plane (Over the top).
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