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Golf Article Of The MonthFull Golf Swing - How To Generate More Power In Your Swing
By: Dean Caporella
Achieving a full golf swing as a senior player becomes more and more difficult the older one gets. Naturally, distance will wane over time but accuracy shouldn't and hitting the ball straight shouldn't be an issue if you've been playing the game for any length of time.
However, many senior players cite shortening distance as their main issue and dream of the times they used to be able to belt the ball over considerable ground.
This article is not going to turn you into the world's longest hitter but will help you maintain a full golf swing and help you maximize the greatest amount of power into your shot.
Winding Up For A Big Golf Swing
Achieving greater distance has a lot to do with the fullness of the golf swing. Many players will check their swings too early before coming down on the ball. They do this by fighting the bend of the elbow. If you're a right-hander that bend is in the right arm and vice-versa for a left-hander.
By preventing the elbow from bending naturally as you draw back on your shot is preventing you from taking a full wind-up and hence, by the time the club has made impact with the ball, the power generated won't be as great as it would have been if the elbow bend wasn't resisted.
The secret is to make sure your arms are flexible during the pre-swing period and to let the elbow bend naturally.
Overcoming Inflexibility
For older players, it's not so much resisting the elbow bend which affects their ability to get distance but it's more a matter of waning flexibility and diminishing power.
The older one gets the more the tendency is to hunch over. This only serves to restrict your turning ability thus affecting your power. Instead, practice standing straighter. Bending the knees ever so slightly, make sure your back is straight and you are bending forward until your club is in the contact position with the ball.
Practice this until you are comfortable with it and then take it to the practice range. The idea with this technique is to allow those older players who don't quite possess the flexibility anymore, to be able to take a full golf swing at the ball without compromising their accuracy. The club will swing in a more vertical motion because of the straighter stance.
Yes, it may feel awkward at first but remember, it's really only a minor adjustment in terms of the way you stand over the ball and shouldn't present any problems in it's correct execution.
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If you want a great swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook

Additional Info On Golf Today
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You should also be aware of some of the aspects regarding golfing products. For instance, golf balls are an important part of your game. They can be matched to complement golfing handicaps, as well as offer a wide range of compression ratings. Higher compression ratings mean that the ball will go farther, but you will have to possess a strong swing.
To learn more go to golf clubs.
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Keeping fit. The positive benefits of making a repetitive swing between 70 and 100 times around, along with the distances covered on foot, all combine to eat up in excess of 1000 calories. This amount of activity controlled over 4 hours and 10Km, amounts to a very controlled gentle workout.
For additional information go to golf equipment.
Price is another factor to pay attention to. High prices do not always equate to a higher quality golfing product. When you pay more money, this doesn't mean your handicap will magically decrease. Spend more time choosing the correct product and less money trying to purchase skill. There are also plenty of golfing fads on the market. Don't become a victim to flashy packaging or alluring imagery. Aim for getting the best product for the most reasonable price.
To learn more go to golf.
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When golfers are looking for equipment the importance of the cart golf bags are often overlooked. Being properly equipped while you are on the golf course is one of the most important things in determining if you will have a successful round. The last thing you need to happen is being in the middle of your round and not having exactly what you need because your bag does not properly hold everything you need.
To learn more go to golf.
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